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Feminin Tripper exhibition in Oslo 19.-25. March 2018

....She urges forward to reach her destination OR to travel on. She arrived just now and yet, she has been here for the longest time. Who does SHE think that she is? And how does she want to be known? She follows invisible ebbs and tides and in her essence she will always be and also gone. Who or how many is her counterpart?" The strength to be found in fragility, the softness lurking in solidity. Two opposing forces, seemingly opposite, but where one entails the other. What gender dream are we currently dreaming? Are we moving towards androgyneity or multigenderism? Is femininity threatening masculinity, the other way around or are these labels outdated alltogether? Gender is a way to display ourselves. Self-presentation and identities are connected to our bodies. The body and voice represents physical realities, but also abstractions. It can be a door into knowledge and curiosity about who we are. In a society where rationality, objectivity and physical ‘facts’ are given priority- what weight do we give to subjective, personal and abstract knowledge? What role can- and does artists want to play in relation to this? We want to see how the artists and artistic research can contribute in the public debate.

Klara Pousette, It's growing

Tiphanie Chetara

Aisha Jemila Daniels

Mireia Munoz Mas, Back

Erika Stöckel, ceramic sculptures, The internal ass gang

Soft Sculpture by me

Hanne Rivrud, video, When allowed to breath

Erika Stöckel, ceramics sculptures, The internal ass gang

Hedda Roterud Amundsen, Your startup disk is almost full - reimagening identities

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